Super Eurobeat 188

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Post by Jion » 06 Jun 2008, 12:36

Ricfiam wrote:I wonder, how old should be the DJ NRG song? I would put it to 2001-2003.
Mega NRG Man is also a very old song I`m sure.

Chris Stanton wins on this album.
I'd put it earlier than that. The way he's singing in this song isn't typical Corriani which makes me think that its rather new.
You can hate me but you know you have quality issues =p

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Post by the_ditz » 06 Jun 2008, 16:29

My Review:

The first thing that hits you about this track is the amazing guitar backing on so many different levels - it gives the track a really deep and powerful atmosphere! The Snake has never sounded better than he does on this track - think Ace but clearer and more precise and you're in the right area. I adore the melody - it's a classic Eurobeat tune that Powerful T. would be proud to perform, and all in all I think this is a fantastic opening track for this album. Only small negative is that it could be longer!!! :D
Grade: 10++++

02 MARK & ROBY - TOKYO TONIGHT (Saifam/Asia) [04:09]
I've been a little harsh on this track previously, mainly because compared to other Asia tracks it lacks a little punch in the percussion area, however I think it shines as the sole Saifam track on this album. The trademark GO! GO! GO! during the intro makes it unmistakably Asia, and the synth hook has a lot of variation and depth. I absolutely adore the verse melody, and like people have said previously it's nice to have a different vocalist from Mauro. The chorus leaves me somewhat indifferent - not sure why, it just doesn't grab me as much as the rest of the song - but overall this is a very worthy SEB track.
Grade: 9.5

03 DANIEL - SPIRIT OF THE NIGHT (Delta) [05:27]
The synths during the intro of this track seem to lack some polish and depth to my ears, but otherwise it's a nice way to start of the track. When the beats drop, we are into familiar Delta territory, and yet this somehow sounds quite different from their recent massive male hits like Super Rider. The beats are choppy and synths acute, and this teamed with Daniels precise vocals (which constitute probably his best performance so far) make for a very appealing combination. Also, we finally get value for money in terms of the length :)
Grade: 10

04 GIORGIA V. - RACE QUEEN (Go-Go's Music) [05:06]
I like the way this track gets straight into the juicy percussion and synth layers with no messing around. I can also hear quite a few similarities in the production effects between this and My Heart Goes Boom Boom, and that makes me very happy as that track is probably my favourite GGM track thus far. A nice chunky beat keeps everything together while Giorgia puts on a very strong performance. I still think the chorus sounds a little repetitive compared to varied and deep structures elsewhere but it's a minor niggle on the best GGM track in ages!!
Grade: 10+

I'm going to write these comments based on the track from 00:55 only as the intro is one of the ugliest, fragmented and badly-matched intros I've heard in a long time. The fact that we don't hear as much of Time's unique synth sounds makes the hook sound quite special, but it isn't the best one they've done by a long shot. The best part of this track is probably the part we've all heard from the sample - the chorus. I fail to concur with the majority here in saying that this is "A Perfect Track" - perhaps it's because the start of this album has set the bar so high or maybe it's just personal taste, but I'm still waiting for another moment of utter genius from Dall'ora a-la Bad Bad Bad.
Grade: 8

Here, we are treated to SCP's best synth hook in AGES!! Words cannot describe how much I love it - from the layered structure to the melody and synth tone, everything just hits the spot bang on for me. Irene sounds squeakier than normal - treading the line between Pamsy and Kiki & Fancy - but overall, she gives her normal solid performance. I also adore those synth bursts right before the chorus - it's those little touches that made me fall in love with SCP years ago. The vocal melody is undeniably cute and overall this has lived up to and probably even exceeded my expectations from the sample.
Grade: 10+++

Wow, now this is one chilled out intro - typical A-Beat C in the sense that it adds layers progressively (and slightly predictably) but it's pleasant. Shame to hear that Norma still hasn't shifted that cold that has been bunging up her nose for years - her vocals are still as nasally and - dare I say it - drunk-sounding as ever. I still like the chorus melody in this track, but the verse doesn't really excite me a massive amount, and after such an amazing start to this album, I feel that this struggles to keep up with the pace and standards set by the tracks before it.
Grade: 7

08 CHERRY - ANYWAY, ANYMORE (Delta) [05:10]
I've had this track for a while now, and yet there's still something missing in my opinion. I keep listening to it expecting to love it as much as Yes I Will, but there's just a lack of depth to the sound as a whole somehow. Clara's vocals are as confident as ever and the production can't really be faulted, but I found myself wishing there was more punch and drive in the synths and overall orchestration. I know all this sounds negative, but I do actually like this song - I just find it hard to focus on the good when there is something missing in my mind and I have such high hopes for Clara nowadays. Still, I can't rate it lower than a...
Grade: 9

09 LESLIE HAMMOND - RUN & RUN (Hi-NRG Attack) [04:27]
Oh wow, I love that intro. There's a really raw techno edge to the synth blasts and guitar that hasn't always been present in recent HRG tracks. Of course, I was one of the very few people to actually enjoy the sample of this track when it was released, and I'm happy to say that the rest of the song is just as good if not better. I really enjoy the melody and synths used, and the vocals are nowhere near as bad as everyone is making out - for me, Hi-NRG Attack without the pitched-up vocals just wouldn't be as fun or as unique. For some reason I keep wanting to sing Dum Dum Pistol during the chorus - that was a random thought, but I adore that track too, so it's good that this one is in the same league.
Grade: 10

This one definitely has a more retro feel to it, and that's probably not a bad thing considering A-Beat C's recent dry spell production-wise. Listening to the vocal sections, I still feel like it is a bit of a rush job - like Pasquini has sent the backing track to Mega NRG Man to record the vocals over, and he didn't quite have enough time to master the levels before the disc went to press. Anyway, I really enjoy the chorus and synth hook of this one, and production wise it makes me think of Everybody Shake for some reason. Not his best track, but certainly an improvement on recent disasters.
Grade: 8.5

11 DJ NRG - GO GO CHAMPION (A-Beat C) [04:44]
I have a feeling this track came before U&DSMLAR - the synths sound one step before that track. The vocal line is the star here, as many people were probably expecting - perhaps this should be the way forward for A-Beat C; older tracks from when they still had a bit of a spark and drive. Overall, this is one of the best male-led A-Beat C tracks of the decade in my eyes, and I hope to hear more of DJ NRG in the near future if this is the kind of aural treat he has in store for us!
Grade: 9

Now I've really been looking forward to this moment - the return to SEB of one of my favourite producers! And he doesn't disappoint. The trademark beefy bass is here, as is the unique Vibration-style synth structure and the unmistakable vocals. The star for me here is the addition of the piano sound - such a minor thing, and yet it succeeds in adding a kind of epic quality to the production. Everything sounds more rounded, more complete and most importantly more catchy to the ear! I can't wait to see what new treats Dima has in store for us on future releases - welcome back old friend!
Grade: 10++

13 SANDY - POWER OF LOVING YOU (SinclaireStyle) [05:15]
Good, those oooohs in the intro are awful - they sound like a really cheesy 80's track that I completely forget the name of at the moment but I remember it really irritating me! As has been said many times before, the synths here sound a bit tired - it's not that they are ugly, but they just lack that modern touch that I like my Eurobeat synths to have on modern SEB albums. The melody is slushy, and the vocals irritate me as they can't decide what style to follow - one part sounds bouncy and cute, the next a little agressive and then smooth and romantic. It's all just a bit of a car crash for me. Shame they decided to end such an excellent with the weakest song overall...
Grade: 6

TOP 3:



Overall impressions:
I honestly didn't expect to enjoy this album as much as I do. The samples on the whole left me cold, but with the exception of 2 tracks I could happily listen to the whole disc on repeat. SCP have proved to me on this album that they still have the magic that made me fall in love with them originally, and I really hope that this is the start of their renaissance! Delta were strong once again, and it's fantastic to have the talented Dima back on board to increase the variety with his unique and incredibly catchy style. Even A-Beat C have perhaps shown that they can still produce worthy SEB tracks with Go Go Champion - but they still need to prove themselves more to merit more album space than everyone else. I can't wait for 189 now - 184 sparked my enthusiasm for Eurobeat once again, and while 185 and 186 were a bit ropey, the past two SEBs have reinforced why I love this genre so much. Thank you for another great album Avex!! :grin:

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Post by #Infinity » 06 Jun 2008, 18:21

Wow, am I just seeing things? Seriously ditz, your review more than surprised me! :!:

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Post by Jay » 06 Jun 2008, 20:08

I agree with nearly everybody that "A Perfect Hero" is simply incredible. It took me a couple of listens to get into it since I didn't pay much attention to it the first and second time, but now I'm just blown away. The intro is one of the best I've ever heard, the vocals are amazing and it's catchy as hell. Easily the best track on the disc and possibly the entire decade.

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Post by drnrg » 06 Jun 2008, 20:22

I agree with nearly everybody that "A Perfect Hero" is simply incredible. It took me a couple of listens to get into it since I didn't pay much attention to it the first and second time, but now I'm just blown away. The intro is one of the best I've ever heard, the vocals are amazing and it's catchy as hell. Easily the best track on the disc and possibly the entire decade.

UGHHH I'm dying here. I need to hear this song allready. One more day :!: :!: :!:

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Post by EurothunderNL » 08 Jun 2008, 14:47

13 SANDY - POWER OF LOVING YOU (SinclaireStyle) [05:15]
... Shame they decided to end such an excellent with the weakest song overall...

Hmm some negativity :? about this track on the forum, however it appeared to be my most FAVORITE track of the whole album :grin:

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Post by Jay » 08 Jun 2008, 17:18

I'm using a letter grading system for this review, which I feel works well. I'm usually a little more reluctant to give higher scores than other reviewers, but since this album was impressive I gave more A's away than I normally would. In terms of numbers, however, they are as follows:

A+ = 5 (best on the disc)
A = 5
B = 4
C = 3
D = 2
E = 1
F = 0

Here's my review:

01. "QUEEN OF MEAN" - The Snake
Someone mentioned this reminded them somewhat of "THE FIRE AND THE RAIN" by Dusty, and that's exactly what I thought too. It’s definitely an improvement over The Snake's first release, which sounded like a B-Side Go 2 track. The vocals are truly amazing and the sound worlds remind me of old-school SCP. "QUEEN OF MEAN" is a typical male SCP production which doesn't disappoint. Keep it up!
Grade: B

02. "TOKYO TONIGHT" - Mark & Roby
I always find it really difficult to rate songs I've heard months ago. You can clearly hear elements of Cherry's "YES I WILL" and Mark Foster's "KISS ME DIVINE" here, and that's undoubtedly Roby Arduini's influence at work. I still feel this is Saifam's best release this year, but Arduini really needs to spice up his modern style a bit. It's starting to sound a little repetitive... Nevertheless, a noteworthy Saifam hit.
Grade: B

03. "SPIRIT OF THE NIGHT" - Daniel
I've loved every Daniel track so far and this one is no exception. The mood sounds very spiritual and beautiful. I'd go as far as to say the harmonious vocal work is Danieli's best to date on a eurobeat song. I'm very pleased with Newfield's work here - a sure-fire hit.
Grade: B

04. "RACE QUEEN" - Giorgia V.
Let's be frank: I expected a lot more after hearing the magnificent "GO COSPLAY!" One of the most irritating points is the double or triple layer effect they added to the vocals during the sabi when Giorgia Vecchini says "race queen"... or maybe it's just Gatti's backing vocals. I can't tell since they sound so identical, it's scary. Essentially, this kills off the replay value as you need to endure it about 20 times each listen. The timing this appeared on SEB was unfortunate too, since we've been presented with a myriad of racing-themed GGM tracks thanks to Manuel; the whole gimmick is starting to become a drag. Still, the vocals overall are one of the higher points, the riff is decent and the b-melo is harmonious... The "ooh-ooh-oohs" in the background of the second half of the sabi are also cute. A fair effort for now, and I suspect Vecchini will sound so much better with more experience.
Grade: C

05. "A PERFECT HERO" - Chris Stanton
Words can't express how 'perfect' this production is. TIME totally redeemed themselves after the blatant rehashes throughout the mid-180s with this hit. Although this track borrowed some elements from "PARA PARA NIGHT 2008" by Lou Grant, that production was made back in 2004 or 2005, so the so-called rehashing is a non-issue given the modernisation and how amazing "A PERFECT HERO" works. The first time I listened to this, I was instantly gripped by the introduction to the point where I kept replaying it over and over. Basically, it's a cooking pot of different gimmicks where the tempo gradually builds up and explodes into action as the incredibly catchy riff starts. One of the best tracks during the past few years in my opinion - it's THAT good.
Grade: A+

The first of only a few slumps on the disc. Irene has yet to make a lasting impression on me - all of her tracks have been 'good', but for some reason they have yet to surpass that level. She seems to have shown up in the middle of SCP's generical dilemma, which is unfortunate. "NOTHING ABOUT ME BABY" sounds really lame and boring, and after the amazing "A PERFECT HERO", it didn't give me much to look forward to. If this really is Romi, then she should stick exclusively to Blast!; Benati actually tries to showcase her amazing vocal work whereas she sounds like just another female SCP vocalist under Castagna's influence. Better luck next time, I hope...
Grade: D

07. "DO YOU REALLY WANNA LOVE ME" - Norma Sheffield
Now we're talking... A decent Norma song! Given the credits in the booklet, this is one of the few tracks Raimondi hasn't touched this decade. Given the crisis A-Beat C is in, this was one of the last tracks on the disc which I thought was actually going to work well. The chimes and sound worlds perfectly suit Norma Sheffield, and the introduction was well thought out and blends well with the rest of the production. The only negative point of the track is her scratchy vocals during some areas of the sabi. Impressive nonetheless!
Grade: B

08. "ANYWAY, ANYMORE" - Cherry
Capaldi is an incredible producer and really knows how to work these type of Moroni tracks. Aggressive and catchy... What more could we expect from Moroni these days? Maybe slightly generic, but nonetheless a fantastic song which is worthy of a repeat now and again. Moroni sounds interesting, the production values are decent and the synths are fun. I've taken a real liking to the 'new' Moroni in contrast to her songs throughout the 150s. "ANYWAY, ANYMORE" perfectly embodies Delta's newfound intensity.
Grade: B

09. "RUN AND RUN" - Leslie Hammond
Second slump on the album. The first listen through this track, I was appalled and confused at why HRG decided to revert to these grossly pitched female vocals we've mostly come to hate. Over the past few days, it slightly grew on me as I endeavoured to disregard the horrible vocals and concentrate more on the melody, even though it was difficult. The vocalist sounds unintelligible throughout the sabi, which is more amusing than irritating. The pitched vocals wrecked it. I found it really difficult to find anything decent about this production and in the end I found the melody was okay once you disregard the cacophonic vocal work.

NB: I feel it's worth noting the last time I really enjoyed an HRG track (a B Grade or higher) was "BOMBA" on Super Eurobeat Vol. 185, and before that, "SUPERFAST TOKYO DRIFT" on Super Euorbeat Vol. 182... I'm not really enjoying the direction they've headed in, and I'd go as far as to say they're performing worse than A-Beat C this decade. That, or Avex is picking the wrong tracks to represent this label on SEB. I'm remaining hopeful for the last album of the 180s as they've got two chances to redeem themselves.
Grade: D

The sample didn't give me much to look forward to, but I'm amazed how this worked out in the end especially with such a kick-ass title. This is an infectious dance floor hit at its finest. It seems as if all the concerns about A-Beat C and Mega NRG Man in the past were considered and addressed in this track. All sections of the track flow perfectly between one another, which is surprisingly unlike A-Beat C these days. The riff is bouncy and catchy, the vocals are smooth and it sounds effective all over. A real surprise!
Grade: A

Wow, this is an even bigger surprise, and when we all thought Corraini was dead from the eurobeat scene. This could simply be Pasquini reusing old vocals, but still, it's nice to hear him again as I've always been a major fan of his vocals. As I've already stated earlier, I still can't believe this is A-Beat C. The sabi is definitely the apex of the track, as it should be - so powerful, effective and oozing of quality. Now if only A-Beat C can reinvent this formula and they may redeem themselves across the broader community.
Grade: A

12. "TSUNDERE NIGHT" - David Dima
"TSUNDERE NIGHT" exemplifies how far Dimarcantonio has progressed as a producer from the early days of Vibration and Eurobeat Masters, and it's really pleasing to see him appear on the SEB series again. Basically, this track is everything I would expect from Dima. The ending to this track was well thought out, which was quite surprising and may be something I'd like other labels to consider in the future rather than simply fading out or putting a complete stop to the track right after the final riff is finished. It sounds much more polished when every nuance of the track is addressed by these means. The sabi sounds really beautiful too.
Grade: A

This sounds way too much like Sinclaire's productions during the 140s, 150s and the very few tracks he had in the 160s - none of which were absolute killer hits. It sounds really dated, bland and...dead. It doesn't fit into the current eurobeat agenda at all. Not the worst track this decade (that honour goes to Annalise's "KISS ME" or "TRUE COLOUR"); the only thing I'm pleased about is that they ended the album with this track, so I can simply restart the CD after "TSUNDERE NIGHT" finishes without a needless skip in the middle.
Grade: E

Although far from perfect, I thought the CD was impressive in comparison to other compilations throughout the 180s. Well worth the purchase. Judging from my own and other people's impressions of the CD, it's clear that the 13-track format is working well and that Avex is forced to carefully choose the cream of the crop to create a formidable compilation. A-Beat C's performance was amazing for the very first time this decade, TIME blew me away with "A PERFECT HERO" (and I'm not one who is impressed very easily), and an honourable mention to Delta who has kept the level of their productions very high since the early 170s.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to make of Hi-NRG Attack anymore as it seems like they've just given up. It's a shame considering how well they performed just 10 albums ago. My suggestion for HRG is to stop creating too many tracks and concentrate more on polishing up the productions, since < 10% end up being released to the public anyway. Start experimenting with interesting and unique endings for example, rather than fully putting a halt to the track after the riff - yes, it's a safe formula that's been used for years now, but change is always a good thing. That's the best advice I can give for HRG. And the complaints about the pitched vocals are ubiquitous so I won't go far down that path; I'll just say it's not always a bad thing having pitched vocals, but maybe not SO pitched like the last two Leslie Hammond tracks. It can get irritating fast.

I'll leave my complaints about Sinclaire aside since it's hard to speculate about the general direction he's headed down so early. So far he's presented us with three very different tracks, with dichotomised impressions on each. A decent thing for people who enjoy variety, and that's what Sinclaire is aiming for it seems. We'll see what the future brings for this label.

Aggregate Score of 188: 48/65

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Post by Bore » 09 Jun 2008, 20:37

My CD got delivered today, a bit later than most it seems. I was prepared for a blast after all the reviews but I have to say my initial reactions so far have been a slight disappointment. There are a lot of really nice songs, but only one song really stood out as an instant hit for me.

A generally nice and high level on the album, no denying about it, but it just lacks the oomph and uniqueness some other albums offered. Review sometime later this week I guess.

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Post by drnrg » 10 Jun 2008, 02:15

First off ,I must say that SEB 188 sounds amazing. Has the potential to be up there with 179. The tracks are hardedge melodic and aggressive all at the same TIME. Almost all labels present Bulls Eyes! 11 out of 13 songs get the Dr. NRG vinyl seal of approval

DR. NRG Super Eurobeat 188 review.


1. The Snake- Queen Of Mean(SCP). To put SCP on the frontline of SEB has never been my choice, but this TIME AVex hits the target. The Snake was just o.k. with his first attempt, but on this Queen of Mean, he or should I say, they sounds more polished. Especially in the guirtar licks. They really incorporated the 80's Rock sound into this track brilliantly. There is mega adrenaline oozing from the riff. I myself questioned it's effectiveness from a lack of a Synthesizer riff, but offing SCPs keyboards, which someTIMES have a transy feel to them, was the icing on the cake for this track. That and that infectuous chorus. Queeeen Of Meeeeen! Who can't SCREAM along to that ?SCP scores a Mega bomba!


2. Mark & Roby- Tokyo Tonight(Asia). Again we are happy to have Saifam back on board. I would have loved to have Diabolik on this cd, but nontheless this track is just as great. The recepie is pretty simple. Take a massive TIME hit written by Farina in the golden Italo era (Mike Hammer- Divine) , speed it up and completely change the lyrics. Add a few aggressive Go Gos some vocoders and you have one of Saifams best of the year. Also one of the best tracks on the cd.


3. Daniel- Spirit Of The Night(DELTA). Whenever I see Matteo Rizzi's credits, I know I'm in for a wild synthesizer rollor coaster ride. He gives new meaning to the phrase chord progression. Add that to the fact that this is new Daniel material and you have an instant DELTA classic. This one definately equals Frontal Impact in melody and vocals. Here is a track where the listener can actually bask in what is the genious of an extended version should be. This way the composer can really experiment with the soundworlds. The standout part is definately the third verse where Newfield drops the vocals in the bridge for hardedge guitars and female backup, showcasing the synths beautifully. Three for three and the hits on this cd so far and the hits only get better.


4. Giorgia V.- Race Queen(Go Go's) Havn't really been a fan of Go Go's music , but that is all about to change. I can't pinpoint if it's Giorgia Veccini's vocals or the overall melody of the song, but somthing definatley works. Those light keyboards are again present(seems AbeatC, Go Go's and SomeTIMES SCP share these keyboards) . Nontheless, they do not steel the spotlight form the rest of the soundworlds., especially when coupled with regular synths(you can hear them in the riff) My only complain would be that there is no break in the middle, but either way, the song is still great. Now let's hear more Giorgia instead of *cough* Mari-San. BTW, looking at images of all the Japanese Race Queen cuties while listening to the song makes it twice the fun.


5. Chris Stanton- A Perfect Hero(TIME). We are up the monster track of the cd. All you guys got me so hyper, that I saved it for last when first listening to the cd. I must say this track is Perfect on every level and I will spare no praises.
1. Perfect Intro: From the start the listener is pulled into a whole minute of unique and dare say very unEurobeat soundworld's, but perfectly showcasing the hard pounding Guitar, that one can't help but replay it at least 2-3 TIMES before actually letting the track continue . Add a commanding "RIGHT" and Chris demanding your sexy body and you have the perfect intro.
2. Perfect Riff: the best way to describe it would be that it contains all the power of say Dave Simon's- All 4 One. Mr. Dall Ora almost sounds like he is pounding the life out of his keyboard forcing it to push out it's last remaining drop of a note.
3. Perfect verses(special Attention to verse 3): Mr. Dall Ora has allways written some Lyrics that go perfectly with His compositions. This song is no acception. They could be best compared to Dave- Pride. The third verse is Pure bliss for TIME favs, like me. having Elena finish off Chris on each line really just shot me back into those 90's glory days.
4. Perfect Bridge . Again Dall Ora creates the perfect bridge to Chorus. The aggressive "Right" just adds to commanding feeling the song allready has.
5. Perfcet Chorus: Any song with the line "I am A Super hero" has to deliver a Charasmatic, Epic and almost Narcasistic tone to them and Chris delivers on all three. I've said it once and I say it agin, Chris vocals are so full of Passion and aggression that they remind me of the way ,The King of Eurobeat vocals; Gino Caria would sing a song!
Perfect Break: Fast in your face and super aggresive. Again sounds so far off from the overall safe formula of a Eurobeat song's break, that it hits the mark. The guitars are played with the same burning vibe as in Heartbreaker 2008.
Perfect Outro: Hardly ever used in Dall Ora productions, but when it is present, it sounds nothing short of a glorious epic ending. A perfect ending to a perfect story to the PERFECT SONG that will probly be many Initail D fans wet dream!

The real question is who is the Perfect Hero? Christian De Leo with his charasmatic agressive Eurobeat vocals? Or Sergio Dall Ora? With his Amazing ability to push out Eurobeat Classic after classic?
10++++/10(Needless to say top contender for song of the year)

6. Irene- Nothing About Me Baby(SCP). This song was put after Chris Stanton for the soul purpose of letting the listener catch thier breath. It's like the break in an extended song. This SCP entry is the only real downfall for me, but it's not too much of a drop. The synth riff seems to want to push out some bpm's, but the chorus just holds back too much. Her vocals sound good and the Pamsy Transy sound was ommited in turn for SCPs more appropriate sounding keyboards. They kinda have that "Love Is The Name ..." feeling. The best part for me would be the break. The added quircky instruments add a sort of light hearted vibe, wich in this case meks it fun, but not childish.


7. Norma Sheffeild- Do You Really Wanna Love Me(ABeatC). AbeatC did a really good job on this cd. All thier entries were above level for me. Whenever I see the Title Norma Sheffield, I know it will be a slower romantic feel, but from the better end of that style. This song sounds like all other Norma songs. To me, that is good. Her vocals sound terrific , so maybe it's a good that she takes those short hiatus. The intro of the song is rather amazing, but haunting in a beautiful way the keyboards are played. Picking just 10 songs form this cd for a top 10 was hard enough with all the great quality, but since I will probly be hearing this song a lot more, it will surely make an apearence in my top 10.


8. Cherry- Anyway Anymore. Now that we all had a little break; it's back to the hard punching Eurobeat we all love. DELTA excels in creating the best for Clara. Add to the fact that she sings with such passion and conviction and you know exactly what to expect. This song has something that I simply must have in my Eurobeat. That is a perfect synching of The melody in the verses, bridge ,chorus and riff . Percussion is also a deciding factor of a hit or miss for me. Anyway, Anymore has less snare drums and more basic drum rolls after verses and bridge. The way Clara holds the note in the final line before the keyboard riff is definatley my favorite part of the song.The break is also note worthy with it's addictive beats and rhythems. It will surly have the listener replaying it over and over again.


9. Leslie Hammond- Run & Run. We are up to what seems the controversal track of the cd. I will admit that upon hearing the sample I was less than impressed, buy after hearing the track in it's entirety , I have to say high score accross the board.. I can only guess the little "Comons" in the intro are Leslie's real vocals. They don't sound too bad, but for a song like this the hyper style works better. They give the Running theme merrit and you really have to listen with a deaf ear to catch all the different instruments being played throughout the song. Once you pin point each one, you will notice what a well composed track this is. Add to fact that she starts each line with "bang bang bang" and I'm like pudding in HRG Attack's hands.


10.Mega NRG Man- Up & Down Spin Me Like A Record(ABeatC). So it seems that I too owe ABeatC some apologies for my initial thoughts on this new MEga NRG Man song. SomeTIMES those samples really suck the life out of a track. The first thing I noticed is that Thomas was singing in a more aggressive tone. His vocals sound a little forced, but for him that is a good thing esp. when he sounds more like he did on "Sex All Over The Phone" and less like "Back To The 80's". I thought the song was really well thought out in composition and this TIME the soundworlds really reflect the feeling of the song. Playing the keyboards in a sort of jumpy fasion really gave me the feeling of a record spinning round throughout the song. The verses kind of lack that special NRG, but that bridge again so well showcases the chorus that they go by almost unnoticed. The chorus itself uses lyrics so catchy that it immediatly makes it come to life and therfore easy to sing along to .Now just change the first lines of the chorus to "You Spin me Right Round Baby Right round" and this could easily be a nice take on The Dead Or Alive hit. The only downfall it has, if any would be the intro and break. I'm sure Pasquinni could inject a lot more NRG into those in the future.


11 DJ NRG- Go Go Champion(ABeatC). What I just said about ABeatC intros means absolutley nothing on this track. This is Pasquinni creating a perfect intro for the song. It really sets up the listener for the keyboard melody played in the riff. Next you have what AbeatC uses to incorporate a lot in thier soccer themed songs. The audience roars effects. This TIME they are very well choreographed into the song's feel. Now we have Gianni Corraini doing vocals. he may not sound as polished as in "I'm A Dee Jay" or "Bad Boy" , but amazingly sounds great on a Eurobeat song. Pasquinni also seems to be paying more attention to his Bridge leading to the chorus. Somthing ABeatC has lacked for my liking. As allways, I must mention the break. That is what extenede is about. On this song it works very well esp the way it is introduced. You hear some nice percussion and two sets of Synthesizers being played. The song could have been longer, but in the end I was surprisingly pleased with the final edit.


12. David Dima- Tsundere Night(Dima). We finally get Dima's new mate rial on SEB. I have been purchasing away on his juno tracks and half of those are new to me , so I'm still pleased I can continue my Dima "High" with this new entry. The intro is pure bliss! It's unique use of raw pianos really gives that whole night feeling. The title it's self was confusing to me at first. I didn't understand why not just sing Thunder Night? Then I found out it was some Japanese animi thing. Not the cool bloody style , but some chick toons. Not the image I get when listeing to the song. All that aside; this is really extraordinary work from Dima. Not the adrenaline rush like A Perfect hero, but Dima fuses his Eurobeat soundworlds so well, that it doesn't have to be to sound effctive. His aggressive vocal style pretty much provides all the energy his music needs to easily compete with higher BPM's of HRG and TIME. Now comes the break. Some fans I have conversed with say that to them it doesn't really make the song stand out more than a regular 4 minute edit, but I have to disagree, esp in a Dima song. Here the break is pretty short, but showcasing some really great piano work, so it does make a world of diiference. Add to that an amazing outro and you got another solid grade.

13. Sandy- The Power Of Loving You(Sinclaire Style) The best part of this song is the Intro and Break. The cord progression seems to be building up to an epic chorus. Sadly that was not the case. To best describe the song would be a b-side DELTA realease, but with Newfield only watching on the sidelines. Meaning it lacks all the Power of that misleading title. Funny thing is the sample didn't sound so bad to me at first. Maybe it's the fact ,that it is so misplaced on this cd and not a worthy outro to an allready powerful cd....and what's with those little shout outs? It sounds as if just added at last minute to try and compete with the cds other powerful entries. Never the less; it's not a skipper, but definatly not a repeater either. I think Sinclaire really needs some powerful male adrenaline rush vocals injected into his compositions.

The level of this cd is so high for me. This is what I love about Eurobeat. Catchy hard edged ,adrenaline rushed ,pulse pounding hits like the ones showcased on this cd .
The new SEB additions; Asia and Dima provided instant classics. Not only that , but I was very surprised with AbeatC and SCP pushing out instant hits. My other favourites just kept me smiling and dancing, and even Mr. Dall Ora managed to push the quality of his music to even more epic porportions with " A Perfect Hero" I believe the bar has just been raised up even higher; which undoubtably means great news for all of us, since we are bound to get even better Eurobeat tunes.

Top 3 songs

1. Chris Stanton- A Perfect Hero(TIME)
2. Daniel- Spirit Of The Night(DELTA)
3. Cherry- Anyway Anymore(DELTA)

Actually with all the solid 10, it's hard to choose just three.

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Post by zoupzuop2 » 10 Jun 2008, 02:30

Nono, Drnrg, what do you REALLY think of A Perfect Hero? :D
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Post by Bore » 10 Jun 2008, 02:34

I absolutely _LOATHE_ the way Time uses the word macho in the lyrics as it just sounds so off and bad every time I hear it.... :P

Just wanted to give this very important news flash. Over.

(ps. oh yeah the irene song with the word macho sounded off as well)
Last edited by Bore on 10 Jun 2008, 04:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by taQ » 10 Jun 2008, 03:13

i buy the songs off mumo so i dont have the lyrics. does irene say chobits in the bmelo? :idea:

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Post by Shawaazu » 10 Jun 2008, 03:24

taQ wrote:i buy the songs off mumo so i dont have the lyrics. does irene say chobits in the bmelo? :idea:
Hahah, no XD

The line is : D'you think I'm fallin at your feet :D

My favourite would have to be Tsundere Night by far :grin:

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Post by Bore » 10 Jun 2008, 04:15

Heh aaww... Let me be with you, oh yeah, oh yeah, let me be with you....

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Post by the_ditz » 10 Jun 2008, 08:03

I'm still convinced that when I listened to the album, I must have had a completely different track in place of A Perfect Hero, as I still don't honestly think the song is that stunning. Does anyone else agree with me, or am I alone in my The Snake/Irene/Dima world?? :|

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