Super Eurobeat 141
1.Dusty - The Fire And The Rain (SCP)
Hell froze and SCP, HI-NRG Attack & Vibration came along the SEB-ride,
everybody can I get a Woop-Woop. Now if they only would let these supreme
labels get the largest portion of SEB there'd be a new dawn of time (well
this is enough for the time being). Well the changes in the collection
itself, onto the songs.
Dusty is an excellent example of SCP male
vocalists, he has a really energetic voice and his songs are full of
catchy hooks, this track is perhaps not as much of a classic as
Gold, but also a killer song, and an awesome opener for the album.
Rating : 9½
2.Lolita - Kiss 2 Kiss (A-Beat C)
I had just barely recovered from the shock the last
Lolita song had
on me and she's here again, and AGAIN with an incredible song. I earlier
said that
Don't You Want My Heart and
Think Of You are her
best songs out to date, but now I am definitely adding this song into the
Top3, an awesome song with an irresistible chorus, left me feeling
perfectly blissfull,
Elena Gobbi is something too good for words.
Rating : 10+
3.Morris - Bad Tonight (Delta)
A rather boring intro reveals a surprise jewel undercover. The track is
pretty typical in most ways, but it's strange how a couple of really good
sounds in the backgrounds can boost the song into a whole new level. This
song is not the topclass on this album, but it's a good song none the less.
Rating : 8+
4.Susy Wender - Runaway (A-Beat C)
The album takes a whole new direction as something very different is
Susy Wender displays one heck of a surprise as she does a
rather calm eurobeat song that manages to be surprisingly catchy. The
vocals are an essential part in this song and the really cool and somehow
magical backgrounds create a very Asian mood to it, again very close to
Rating : 10
5.T.I.M.E. - Another One Bites The Dust (Time)
I am not a huge fan of rock or pop covers, but sometimes they just work.
Eurobeat as a genre has a lot of difficulties in converting the songs to
the new style. This time the cover has been done pretty well, the original
is a classic naturally but this cover won't surely become an eurobeat
classic, still a good song.
Rating : 8+
6.Nikita Jr. - WWW iLoveU (HI-NRG Attack)
I am gonna start this review with a shout out to the HI-NRG Attack record
label: I LOVE YOU GUYS! When they release songs like this I am definitely
way above heaven, Nikita Jr. is definitely one of the strongest
performances on the whole label and she has done some tracks that I'll
probably remember still when I'm a demented old man. A very upbeat song
with the most adorable chorus you can think of, this song is one of the
tracks that make you feel warm and fuzzy.
Rating : 10+++
7.D.Essex - Master Power (Delta)
And the thrillride still goes on, the mood is totally different from the
previous song but nearly just as effective.
D.Essex has a long list
of great songs, and this song joins the frontline of that crowd. An
amazingly catchy song with energetic vocals and some simply brilliant
tricks in the background.
Rating : 9½
8.Go Go Girls - Hot For Your Body (A-Beat C)
With such a strong line-up at the beginning of the album I was already
totally sold, and then they let the
Go Go Girls lose, the results
are phenomenal as expected. A catchy song that has some marvellous lyrical
works that really manages to make this song really fun to listen to.
Rating : 9+
9.Cherry - Sha La La (Delta)
At first this song sounded plain annoying, but the problem with simple and
catchy songs is that they grow on you without you even noticing it. This
is a good example of how upbeat Delta productions can also be, and it's
always refreshing to hear them make really happy songs, not
best song out so far, but from the better end.
Rating : 9-
10.Mad Cow And The Royal Eurobeat Orchestra Of Bazookistan Feat. The
Supertroyka Girls - I Want Your Balalaika (HI-NRG
And the stunning level still goes on. The previous Mad Cow & XXX
productions have been plain wonderful, but this song tops them all without
doubt. An excellent song with a truly irresistible backgrounds. The
russian lyrics add a nice spice into the song, and this has to be one of
the catchiest HI-NRG Attack productions out there.
Rating : 10
11.Vanessa - If One More Day (Time)
For a change the album slows the pace down a bit, when a very typical
Vanessa song shows how stuck up to the old patterns some artists can
be. There are artists like
Pizza Girl who renew their style from
time to time, and then there's Vanessa who sounds pretty much the same as
on SEB1 ages ago, not a bad song, but pretty boring when compared to the
most of the songs on the album.
Rating : 6½
12.Manuel - I've Got To Go (A-Beat C)
A song that really made me gasp at first, the song is your typical
eurobeat, but still it has something about it that really makes it
memorable. Perhaps it's the catchy vocals, or the energetic backgrounds or
then it's the irresistible c-melody. Over all this isn't groundbreaking
but still a wonderful song.
Rating : 9½
13.Leslie Parrish - I Say No (Delta)
The album takes another dive a bit deeper, a rather catchy delta
production that ain't the best Leslie Parrish song but there's a lot of
positive about this track. The backgrounds are quite amazing and the only
real problem with the song is that the vocals aren't really as catchy as I
would've expected.
Rating : 7½
14.Ace - Welcome To The Real World (SCP)
Another awesome male vocalist from SCP, but unfortunately he hasn't gotten
a very good song. This track is pretty standard and only has a semi-catchy
chorus that has some nice vocal works, but the backgrounds still lack the
final punch like ie. the Dusty song had. Not bad at all, but nothing like
Play The Music.
Rating : 7½
15.Denise - Gimme Gimme Love (Delta)
Wow how can
Denise sound so uninterested about singing in the
intro? It sounded like she was singing with a gun pointed at her head. The
song has very good lyrics in their simplicity they fit Eurobeat very well,
but somehow the vocals just sound pretty boring and the song in the long
run starts sounding pretty repetitive. If
Denise had put more heart
into the vocals the song would've gotten a much better grade.
Rating : 7+
16.A-Beat Boys - We'll Stop The Time (A-Beat C)
Where as the A-Beat Sisters have had very great songs, I always wondered
how the boys got all of the crappier songs? I don't really like men
singing as a choir and this song really sounds quite bad imho, I can stand
a solo male artists but the more there are the worse it gets. This track
is pretty typical A-Beat C, not bad nor good.
Rating : 7-
17.Annie - To The Stars (Time)
A nice athmosphere caused by simple but effective sounds. This track
starts out sounding boring but it builds a firmer ground as more and more
elements are added into the mix. In the end this song turned out as rather
nice, not a huge hit but over all very fun to listen to.
Rating : 8-
18.Jimmy Bravo - Queen Of Fire (Vibration)
A wise move to put the only Vibration track as the finale for the
album, they get their songs released so rarely that they are almost always
as high quality. This track shows how magnificent materials they really do,
and it's really a pity that they don't allow more of their productions
into the records. A very catchy song that doesn't change anything in the
genre but does everything well on it's own terms.
Rating : 9-
Final Words :
And a new leaf in Super Eurobeat history is turned as all of the labels
are here (not including poor Boom Boom Beat that seems to be left out?).
This is definitely for the better for the series as the selection grows
and now the main problem that the series had before (when there were only 3 labels the problem was that
the compilations sounded a lot alike) will hopefully be
avoided. Anyways this is a really good album with true jewels by HI-NRG
Attack and also good songs from the other labels, definitely three thumbs
up for Avex.
Final Score : 9-
Reviewed by Bore